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Thursday, May 25, 2006

When You Think It's Bad in Reading, Read The Article Below

Detroit Schools May Get Ex-cops

A $600,000 proposal would hire 25-48 laid-off city police part time to fight district violence.

It's the latest in a string of efforts aimed at tackling violence in the district. On Wednesday, an elementary teacher was robbed in her building after she arrived in the morning, and last week a school janitor was shot in the leg and robbed during a morning smoke break.

We are treating this as a state of emergency, said Superintendent William Coleman III. This is something we need to do right now.

The gang violence is just out of control. Coleman also said he is taking other steps at tightening security, such as suspending students or firing emloyees who illegally let a person into a school and making sure all metal detectors are working.

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