Blog Archive

Thursday, June 15, 2006

I Have A Simple Question?

Subject: Vehicles that leave the city or even the county.(OWNED BY THE CITY OF READING)

What happens if these vehicles are taken outside of the county?

Are they covered with insurance if they are involved in an accident?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

ah ? the water dept travels all over the city and outside and the fire chiefs take there suvs home to the outside of Reading what vehicles are u talking about? you better look more into the STUDENTS grades and the teachers who are teaching and the principles who are guiding and ALL THE FAT IN THE A BUILDING ON WASHINGTON ST UR GOING TO HAVE TO BUY THE FIRE STATION NEXT DOOR TO ADD ON ! instead of head hunting about cellphones,park benches and these dam vehicles and who gives what money to who its been going on for years that will never die in berks
OH and didnt the board hand out the raises yet or is that under the table and yes i would love to have payed up health care for me and my family too .........
keep plugging away stamm