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Sunday, July 02, 2006

Comments On Recent school budget debate

Thursday June 29th,2006
Dr. Frederick H. Gaige a board member, said a financial analysis of the board's spending and budget projections shows that the board might go as many as two more years without raising taxes.
" If we can keep our expenses down to three percent in the 4 years, we should be able to go 5 yrs without raising taxes."

Keith Stamm responded to this by saying to Dr. Gaige, did you tell this financial board that you gave lifetime health care to (7) administrators and their spouses.

I would like to also tell the residents of reading our increase in this years budget was 3.5% instead of 3.0%. I will continue to tell the truth and not give a hidden agenda.


Anonymous said...

Any board member who voted to give these 7 administrators and their spouses paid up health insurance for the rest of their lives should be impeached.This is an outrage.Most people,senior citizens,single mothers,students and workers,can't afford to keep health insurance.You mean to tell the citizens that even if they change jobs or lose their job the people in Reading have to pay for their insurance and their spouces?Shame on you!

Anonymous said...


Why would board members support this? Do they have a hidden agenda? What will they gain? Do they know what it is to have to struggle financially? Who are the administrators? How many years have they served the Reading School District and the citizens of Reading? Why should their spouses have lifetime paid benefits? What have they contributed to the Reading School District? How is this justified when we have elderly taxpayers crying when they can't pay their taxes? There are young and elderly citizens out here trying to just make ends meet, some can't afford insurance, and the school board is taking their tax money to pay for lifetime benefits for people that can surely afford to buy insurance for themselves and their spouses. Am I missing something? Thank you Keith for keeping us informed and trying to do what is right.