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Thursday, July 13, 2006

Keith Stamm Chairman Of The Finance Committee

"Standing Up Against the Powers That Be"

I will continue to be the fiscal steward of the taxpayers dollars. I know this bothers many people,mostly many of my board colleagues. I thought they would have learned with their feel good seminar.

I have been attacked before,verbally and even asked to go outside. When I was at church sunday,I thought of all of you.

The minister said,"Be Strong in the Lord and have Strength in his Power" I Forgive all of you and wish you all the best!


Anonymous said...

Every penny that enters RDS must be accounted for. YES that includes Grants! I bet no one even knows how much money walks through the doors every day - much less where it goes.

Anonymous said...

More fun than phone calls.

Take a random grant at a random school and FLOW CHART the money with names, positions, and amounts.
