Blog Archive

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

E-mail Forwarded to Keith Stamm

Just passing on another person's view

Hi..I need to vent! I am saddened by the murder of a city police officer, and also angry. I have been reading the comments (over 100) posted on the Eagle's Walentis blogs. The vast majority of the comments I can align myself with. However, it is my perception that the bulk of the blame for the city's steep decline can be laid right on city hall's doorsteps. The chief culprit is the community development department, aided and abetted by the sitting mayor and council members. This entity has funneled millions of taxpayer's dollars into every conceivable do-gooder welfare project known to man. Drug clinics, halfway houses, several homes for unwed mothers, homeless shelters, the OHR department, free food, free apartments, free houses, ad naseum, and multiple millions in the form of grants and unpaid loans to the special few to expand their real estate holdings to create more cubicles for the bums. Reading was transformed into the biggest magnet for the undesirables in Pennsylvania. Then to exacerbate the litany of problems, laws, rules and ordinances are not vigorously enforced. With simple infractions like parking and traffic violations overlooked, property and housing codes not enforced, trash regulations overlooked and not enforced, and on and on and on. Unfortunately, even the mayor disrespects charter requirements by not enforcing the mandated residency requirements. And yet he took an oath to enforce the laws of Pennsylvania, and the City of Reading Ordinances and charter. As an aide, I referred to Reading as a "third world city" to an impending resigning city manager several weeks ago, and she angrily replied stating how fortunate Reading was to have such "diversity". She condoned and was appreciative of the eclectic mix of the population, and exhorted on how they added to the economy of Reading. Another sampling of the liberal philosophy that is ingrained in the administration. America was made great because we are a land of laws. Unfortunately, those laws are not applied in Reading, Pennsylvania.

Irate, but cool!

Richard Fegley


Anonymous said...

How true! Example: “more” money does not make a “more” educated student! My parents taught me a long time ago that “Money is the root of all evil”.

Anonymous said...

You forgot a Prenatal in RHS. Yep….in the HS.