Blog Archive

Friday, August 11, 2006

Mayor Tom McMahon and crime

Dear Mayor: Will you really listen to what the people tell you about crime? Will you listen to a conservative in response to crime?

OR Will you just say we need more feel good government with another Google Works Project?

Why not bring back the police dogs? I know that will cost more and we might have to take money away from the Goggle Works!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Read Kori Walter's column in Friday's Eagle. This mayor is a disgrace. Now he wants to hold another meeting for the public to give him suggestions on what to do about crime. That isn't leadership, Mr. Mayor. If you can't lead then get out of the way (resign) and let someone who is a leader take control. Reading deserves better. McMahon is better suited to run the Chamber of Commerce than the city of Reading.