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Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Addiction Fighters Make Real Difference

Rehrersburg (written by Holly Laudermilch)
My 25 year old son Michael's troubles with drugs began when he was in high school.

It got so bad that while he was serving with the Army in Italy, he literally died - twice - from hereon overdoses. He was not breathing both times he was taken to the hospital but responded to CPR and Narcan. As a result of his struggle with drugs, he spent 18 months in military prison only to come home to pick up where he left off.

Last July, Michael relapsed yet again on heroin after 130 days clean. At that point, he had already been in seven rehabs and a mental hospital in addition to the military prison. He had no options left. A friend who was a graduate of Teen Challenge suggested to me that my son needed to go there. Three days later he left for the Teen Challenge Induction Center.

Today my son is truly a changed man. Although still a student here at Teen Challenge Training Center, he now works in the public-relations department and is the leader of a contemporary worship band ministry called "Friends", which is available to perform in concert at area churches and community events.

I began volunteering here after Michael came into the program, and today I am blessed to be part of the staff. The miracle that saved his life has happened more than 15,000 times here on "God's Mountain", yet so many people are unaware of what Teen Challenge is.

Research continually shows that Teen Challenge's long-term cure rates for graduates remaining drug-free are far more successful than their counterparts. In 1975, Department of Health, Education and Welfare research validated 86% of Teen Challenge graduates remained drug free seven years after graduation. In 1998, a study conducted at Northwestern University in Illinois revealed that 85% of Teen Challenge graduates remained drug free. What's more, 90% of Teen Challenge graduates were found to be gainfully employed two years later as compared to 41% from other programs studied.

Secular rehabs have about a 6% to 7% success rate. We are proud of our graduates and our 44 year history of saving those with substance abuse issues with a "faith-based solution". Our students are from all over the world and are from 18 to 62 years old. Teen Challenge also has an adolescent center for young teens.

Drug and alcohol abuse affects every American - whether directly or indirectly as a result of higher taxes to cover jail-time expenses for crimes the addicts commit, or "rehabbing" them to encourage them to be productive citizens. At Teen Challenge, students are never turned away because they can't afford to come here. Our $5.7 million annual budget comes through contributions and fund-raising efforts.

During the year, Teen Challenge holds many wonderful events that anyone can attend. In July, former Teen Challenge students come "back to God's Mountain" for a weekend of fellowship, listening to performances by Christian contemporary bands, choirs and great public speakers. This annual event is open to the public, and there is no admission charge. People come from iles around, and many stay for the spectacular fireworks display on Saturday night.

This year's Celebrate! 2006 weekend is July 7 to 9. If you haven't been to Teen Challenge, we invite you to tour the 350 acre campus on "God's Mountain" by visiting us during regular business hours or visiting us at Celebrate@ 2006.

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