Blog Archive

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Do You Have a Tyrant For a Boss

Have you ever worked for a Tyrant? Most people have according to a study by Wayne State University.

Surveys also find that all the complaints people have are about their work, from low pay to long hours. The biggest complaint is that of the Bully Boss!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


I think we all have worked for a tyrant at one time or another. These are the people that have never learned the word respect and how to apply it to others. They only demand it for themselves and do not give it freely. They probably were raised in a dysfunctional home and that was standard treatment. It's all about power, greed and breaking other people down. It makes them feel mighty big and important. This type of boss does this to other people/employees to make them appear important and special. Nobody has to be treated in that manner to have an exceptional work ethic and be respectful. Most people/employees are very receptive and responsive when talked to in a humane manner. Yelling, ranting and telling employees that he/she is the boss and who are you to question his/her authority is juvenile and pompous. Believe it or not, this type of boss probably has issues of his/her own. A secure boss/person doesn't have to act like a bully to achieve their goal. The next time your boss acts like a tyrant, and it appears unjust, take into consideration that it might not be all about you and your actions. Keep your cool and listen attentively and try not to get emotional. Some bosses feed on breaking employees down like a drug/alcohol addict feeds on their drugs/alcohol. He/she might have a personality disorder and possibly is in need of some counseling in anger management or in other areas. Or, he/she possibly could have an alcohol or drug problem that causes them to act in this manner. Of course, that is no excuse for their behavior.

Keep up the good work Keith.