Blog Archive

Friday, July 14, 2006

Insecurity In A Person

You know you are insecure when you have to make phone calls to find out if Keith Stamm is in a Public building.


Anonymous said...

yes stayout of the schools u dont see other board member camping out in custodian rooms instead of talking and talking and talking about the phones ,jeeps on rt10,pot,tools left on jobs and etc WHAT about the KIDS lets hear about there scores and the teachers slacking and not caring and what about the one that do and go out of there way! 9 out of 10 the kids watch movies and have free time and study halls like the old saying KIDS FIRST

Anonymous said...

What I find amazing is how board members have all this time to MICRO-MANAGE school districts. Districts pay nice salaries to administrators to manage the districts and the JOB of the board is to set POLICY for those administatrtors to follow and not to manage the district themselves. Maybe if MR STAMM atempted to pass the proper policies and not do the managing the stories we read on his blog would be different!

Anonymous said...

Avoiding confrontation often has merit...

Anonymous said...

From above comment......9 out of 10 the kids watch movies and have free time and study halls.

How true that statement is. That's why we have people that care like Keith watching over us.

Anonymous said...

Hey Keith! From the tone of some of the comments you must have some teachers reading your blog.
To say you shouldn't go into the buildings is like saying a member of the board of directors of GM should stay out of their plants. If there isn't anything to hide what does it hurt for a board member to enter buildings and ask questions? No, according to them you should just shut up and go along with anything the administration wants. BULL!